All students are admitted to one of the 4 themes. Before applying you should have a look at the theme pages and apply to the theme which fits your area of interest.
Many of the students in our DTP are part of a four-year programme that includes an initial ‘rotation’ year.
Four year pathway
Year 1
Students undertake 3 rotations in their first year before choosing their PhD project. There is a large pool of projects (updated annually) to choose from and students have time in induction to meet with potential supervisors and decide on what they would like to do.
Years 2-4
Students select a primary and secondary PhD supervisor and write a short project proposal prior to starting their PhD, for which they will be based in the home department of their primary supervisor.
iCASE studentships (4 years from September 2022)
Industrial CASE PhDs are projects run in collaboration with an industrial partner. The student applies to a specified project which has been created between an academic and industry partner. CASE PhDs include at the least the equivalent of a 3 month placement spent with the industry partner and offer a unique chance to work within industry on projects that are likely to have rapid impact, provide an experience of at least two distinct research cultures, and access to a wider than usual range of technology, facilities and expertise.
The MRC DTP – the benefits of being part of a Doctoral Training Partnership
The great benefit of our DTP is that students gain great experience of different scientific disciplines and styles, both through rotation projects but also more generally through dedicated training and social activities. DTPs actively allow students to meet and mix with academics and peers from across the host institutions. Our DTP supports a wide variety of activities including yearly retreats, journal clubs, and social activities run by and for students.
Another benefit of being part of our DTP is that the MRC has provided funds to help students achieve world-leading research programmes. Every student is allocated dedicated funds to support their lab work, conference presentations and training. Our DTP also benefits from substantial funds that enable high value, advanced research training for its students.
Training and skills development for careers
Our students are producing world-leading science in collaboration with world-class scientists, and we believe that ensuring that our students are ready for life after their PhD is just as important. Our DTP specifically supports students to undertake advanced training, visit labs in the UK and overseas, and provides rare opportunities to develop transferable skills that enhance career prospects in and outside academia.